Sunday, September 11, 2011

when I should be studying...

Tonight, I cannot get over how amazing our God is. I should be studying, but I can't even concentrate! My mind is blown, as usual, and the unfailing love of our God!  He always gives me exactly what I need, even when I don't go to Him about it with prayer. He takes care of me so well! He gives me the chance to pour into others, and He gives me the opportunity to be poured into. He gives me life. He gives me love. He gives me a worldly example of His love through Andrew, and if the love Andrew shows me is no where near the love God has for us, how completely overwhelming is God's love?! I stand in awe. I bow in awe. Why do I not wake early every morning to spend precious time with the Creator of the universe? Why do I get ahead on homework instead of reading my Bible in my spare time? My God -- He is worthy of  every single second of my day and every single breath I breathe, for He is the Creator of each second and each breath. Why -- how -- do I forget these things? How can something as lowly as my flesh take over my thoughts and actions when my Creator is so much greater? It is time to get back on track. Since Summer Project, my quiet times have been horrible. School has taken over my life -- it's time to surrender that to God. God has so much in store for me, and it is so exciting!

How refreshing to know You don't need me; how amazing to find that You want me! 

Yes, He, the Creator of the universe, wants me. And He wants you, too. He wants all of us.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

a relaxing morning

I haven't written on here in forever. Yes, I am aware I begin every single blog post like this. This is the first Saturday morning that I have just sat and relaxed since May, I believe. It is nice to breathe -- or rather, it would be nice to breathe if my sinuses didn't hate me. But that's okay. My sinuses won't ruin today.

I have myriad work to do before Monday, but I refuse. Throughout the week, I never have a moment to rest, to sit back and look at my life from a distance. I'm always in the here and now without a moment to waste. I'm so sick of that. I'm so sick of school consuming my life! I live for the weekend, it seems. The Writing Center is closed on the weekends, so I don't work. I can breathe.

Today is Andrew's and my eight month anniversary. It's crazy how time flies...that's the entire year! Crazy. But awesome. We are going to Cooper's Rock for a picnic this after -- if it doesn't rain. I really hope it doesn't rain.

He just got here, and he brought me flowers...I am so blessed. I love him. God is good.