Monday, November 29, 2010


I'm starting to get antsy. I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel like I just need to take some sort of action. Like, I need to do something. Life is boring.

I want to get a Soularium and use my free time to go sharing in the Mountainlair. There is not enough evangelism. I don't know who would go with me, though. I'm afraid to do it by myself at the moment. Although I shouldn't be. I don't know.

After spending a week at home, I am thoroughly sad. Weirton just makes me sad. It has to be the most spiritually dead city in northern West Virginia. If it's not, I don't know what is. When I'm there, I am incredibly sad. It's like it's full of Dementors or something. Wow, I just brought Harry Potter to life. I'm not surprised.

But seriously. There is like a cloud of sadness there. It's really...sad. And I feel like it's my job to be a good witness and save my friends, but that's not even possible. I can't save. Only God can do that. Therefore, I must pray, and pray A LOT.

Satan screws with me really, really badly when I'm at home. I'm glad I'm back. It wasn't too bad this time, at least. I know how to fight it now.

I shouldn't let these things bring me down, but come best friends. I wish they could see the light I've found. It beats out everything.

Ahh, prayer is good. And so is God.

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