Saturday, November 6, 2010

take my life and let it be Yours

I'm sitting at the Quad attempting to work on my story. Lauren is also doing homework, and Erica, Jessica, and Zach are practicing for worship tomorrow morning at Stonebridge. I'm so comfortable! I'm sitting here in sweatpants, doing what I love to do the most, surrounded by lots of people I love, with background music I love. It rocks.

So my story...I completely changed what I thought I was going to do yesterday. I'm at about 1300 words, so about halfway there. I think I like it. It's definitely a lot different than what I'm used to writing.

I like this feeling. I love when I'm in the middle of a story. That's good motivation to write a novel, right? I'd be in the middle of that story for a pretty long time. Thursday we had a novelist substitute teacher for my Fiction class, and he was really cool. I was one of the few people who wanted to write novels. I think that's cool.

I don't have a Creative Writing class next semester, and I'm scared I'll get off track. Perhaps I should make a promise to myself that I will write a story per week or a couple big stories. Yeah. That sounds like a good idea.

God is so awesome! He always answers my prayers in some way, even if it isn't the way I wanted them to be answered. He's smart. He knows what's best for me. I definitely don't.

Break me down. It's when I'm weak that You are strong, Lord.
-The Bridge Band

P.S. Can't wait until Radiate 2010! It's going to be awesome!

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